Friday, February 27, 2009

Kia Soul

I wonder what would happen if we let those hamster wheels loose? hmmmm. Would they be as fast as the Soul?

Blackberry shoots Apple

Low blow Blackberry. I think they need to be more subtle.

Clean Coal Air Freshener

A commercial brought to you by the famous Cohen Brothers. A stray from their movie career, but still effective. Check out the Clean Coal website here.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Direcet TV - "Youthenize"

Direct TV is at it again with their boardroom shenanigans. This time they want to "Youthenize" all young Americans.

Christopher Huet

Christopher Huet, an artist who has created brilliant/crazy images for clients such as Playstation, Snickers, and Yoplait, has a website where you can view his work. This isn't a normal gallery, some of the images have an option to see the "making of." It is an impressive way to showcase the work he has created. See Christopher's work here.

Fliggo - An Easy Way to Create Your Very Own YouTube

Would you like to create your own YouTube, or just a video blog? Now you can with Fliggo. Have you ever heard of Ning? Ning is a software which allows anyone the ability to create a social network. Fliggo does this for video blogging, or creating sites similar to YouTube. Check it out here.

Kiss Me 3D

3D is all the rage right now with Superbowl Spots, TV shows, and now kissing. Colgate Whitestrips created a website called Kiss Me 3D. The site gives users the option to choose between a girl or a boy and 6 different kissing techniques. Put on your 3D glasses to get the full effect.

Artist Lawrence Yang

Lawrence Yang uses watercolor and ink to create these paintings. You can see his other work here.

Frito Lay - Made For Each Other Microsite

Frito Lay has created a microsite to emphasize how their Chips and Dips are made for each other. Users can navigate up and down this world from high in the clouds to down below the earth, and see different videos of the creatures finding their perfect match.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sony Bravia Zoetrope

New Bravia ad using the world's largest Zeotrope.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Samsung Ad?????

Animals are awesome, but if you don't watch carefully you will miss that the phone is supposed to be the focal point.

In Your Color is a website that sells photo prints. The interesting concept is a person picks a black and white print and then has the ability to add color. The site has a photoshop add-on built in, but the prints are not cheap.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Nalin Design

Nalin Design is a company that designs flash based websites. By clicking on the screen users zoom in and can move the tiles around. The tiles also link the user to other sites to see the work that Nalin Design has done. Pretty interesting use of flash.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Music with sand

Diego Stocco - Music From Sand from Diego Stocco on Vimeo.
Making music from sand. What will be next?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Help Child Soldiers

Just so everyone knows I have started a weapon collection at my desk for this cause. Check out the website here.

Don't post on Facebook

Watch what you post on Facebook. You never know what Photoshop technique is being used on your photo.

Lays - Fireworks

I think that Lays might be exaggerating a little when they forget to tell about all the other crap in their chips that make them so 'good' for you.

Radiohead Donates

Radiohead donated one of their songs to a Homeless Shelter organization. This video shows the song they donated, "House of Cards" on their album In Rainbows. Cool ad.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

NHRA Full Throttle

Music, sweet music can make anything seem cool. The last video reminds me of the "Mad World" Gears of War Ad. It takes music that you normally would not associate with the brand or product, and it completely changes the feel.

A Special Valentine's Day Gift...from Cisco!

Valentine's Day brings love from all sorts of places.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

T. Osborne's New Print

One of my personal favorite artists, T. Osborne does some amazing artwork. He uses Hurricane Katrina to put an interesting twist on the shotgun style houses in New Orleans. Look at his other paintings here.

New Jordan Brand Commercial

New Nike commercial called "Field Generals." Wieden + Kennedy must have so much fun working on these spots. This was done by their NY office.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Pure Inventions - Ad a little flavor to your water

These ads were done by Grey NYC, but they remind me of Publicis Hal Riney's website.

Not Crispin

Y&R Auckland, New Zealand created this funny play on words. You will have to read the copy to really understand this ad.

Rios Illustration - We Put Anything on Paper

From a Brazilian ad agency, Artplan. A steam roller/printing press creating a 3D image into a 2D image. Really cool executions.

Samsung i450 - Let Music Fill Your Head

Print campaign for the Samsung i450 that was advertised in New Delhi, India. I love the art direction in these ads, and it is also a great way to show how music could possibly take over evil. There was another image, but I like the contrast of Osama Bin Laden and Bush.

Orange Wednesday

It's not easy being green. But I thought Orange was a phone company.

KK Projects

Post Katrina, the artist Kirsha Kaechele, bought and transformed houses into art. Very creative way to turn the ravaged homes into something beautiful. New Orleans is turning into a hub of creative talent.

Greed - Big Stars = Fake Ad

This is a fake ad starring Natalie Portman, Michelle Williams and directed by Roman Polanski. See the full version here.

H&R Block

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Everyone wants to get money back, but I think we would pass on being a cyclops.

Child Abuse is funny?

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It was sort of funny until the video. Creepy dad.

Pepsi Max not done by a US agency

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Another PepsiMax commercial that Chiat didn't do. Hmmmm.